Supporting The Crescent into the Future

The Crescent Theatre is one of Birmingham’s oldest amateur theatre companies and is an important part of the Arts scene in the Midlands. From very modest beginnings it has grown to become a key venue for both the in-house theatre company and the many local organisations who regularly present their productions at the theatre.

The Crescent Theatre company is well known for presenting theatre of outstanding quality and creating innovative productions across a wide spectrum.

The scope and volume of the work staged at The Crescent is now highly regarded by audiences across the Midlands.

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Encouraging new talent has always been a key feature of the theatre’s values and many local professional actors have been members of The Crescent. In addition the theatre has a thriving and vibrant youth theatre which stages annual productions and allows us to engage with young people to develop their interest in the arts.

The Crescent Theatre does not receive any funding and all income is from the support it receives from regular audiences. We rely on the generosity of our regular supporters, such as you, to help us care for the future. To allow us to continue and give future generations the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful theatre The Crescent produces, we are seeking your support. Perhaps you could consider leaving a legacy to The Crescent? If you have made or are considering making a Will, please think about The Crescent – which is a registered charity.

Your legacy will ensure The Crescent can continue its good work for the local community and give generations to come the opportunity to experience first class theatre over many years to come.

How to Leave a Gift to The Crescent

It is very simple to include a legacy in your Will.

We recommend that you use a solicitor to have it drafted.

If you have already made a Will, but would like to leave a gift to The Crescent Theatre, you can do so by making an addition – a codicil – to your existing Will.

If you are drafting a new Will or updating an existing Will you need to decide what type of gift you wish to leave to the theatre.

A cash gift is where you choose to make a gift of a fixed amount to The Crescent Theatre.

A specific legacy is where you choose to leave a particular asset to The Crescent Theatre. That could be property, possessions, shares etc.

A residuary gift is where you choose to leave a share of your estate to The Crescent Theatre after all other payments and legacies have been made.

Legacies to charities such as The Crescent are exempt from inheritance tax so all your gift will go directly to the theatre. Those leaving 10% or more of their estate will enjoy a 10% reduction in inheritance tax.

We promise to use your gift in the most cost-effective way possible.

If you wish to contact us please remember to use our full name with the correct registered address and charity number:

The Crescent Theatre Limited, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham, B16 8AE. Charity Number 245054

For further information and in the strictest confidence please contact:

The Chairman
The Crescent Theatre
Sheepcote Street
B16 8AE

phone: 0121 643 5858




Keep The Crescent Alive…